Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada



DATE: 8 Jan 60
REF FILE: S10-136-80/5 (DADR)

Minute (4)


A review of the estimates on Min (1) indicates that -

  1. The average cost of the 35 sites listed is $.22M which is slightly less that that allowed for in the CADIN Plan, ie $.25M.

  2. Nipigon, Marathon, Eaglet River, Portneuf, and Mt Carleton NB average $.35M and are nearing the point at which a site is considered expensive.

  3. Sites such as these may be open to question in relation to the coverage obtained.

Of the five sites mentioned above rather large holes in cover will be opened up should these gap fillers not be installed. Nipigon - 45 x 30 nm (approx), Marathon - 70 x 35 nm (approx), Eaglet River - 75 x 45 nm (approx), Portneuf - 70 x 45 nm (approx), Mt Carleton a triangle 15 x 25 x 30 nm (approx). The gap filled by Mt Carleton is quite small and might be hard to substantiate, this is also true of a number of sites which are less expensive. Eaglet River and Marathon together form a large gap which extends 120 nm in the N-S direction. An alternative to Eaglet River could be the move of Oba 50 miles south-east which would leave a gap 45 x 30 nm approx over Lake Superior. Operationally then, the need for four of the five a/n sites can be substantiated without too much difficulty.

As CADIN is a jointly approved plan and in view of direction not to question the 45 gap fillers this Directorate must concur with CCEs cost estimates.

(EH Evans) G/C