Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada


January 19th, 1960

File: 26-10-7

Dear Sir:

Re: Field Survey Requirements - Gap Filler
Stations - Your File: S10-136-80/5 (CCE/Prop)

Our Regional Manager, in obtaining Permissions to Enter the various properties under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, required for your Gap Filler Stations, was informed of the existence of timber licenses held in favour of the Abitibi Power & Paper Company, Limited.

This Company was contacted for the purpose of receiving their concurrence for your Department to enter on these lands to carry out the necessary soil testing and surveys. Enclosed is a copy of a letter received from this Company dated November 19th, 1959 from which you will note that the Company has no objection to your Department entering on these lands subject to certain conditions mentioned therein.

Will you please advise if your Department is prepared to comply with the said conditions.

Yours truly,

JR Baldwin,
Deputy Minister

The Deputy Minster,
Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario.