Gap Filler Detail

1959 – National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/5 TD 9198P


July 16th, 1959

File: 26-10-7

Dear Sir:

Re: Field Surveys - Gap Filler Stations -
Your Ref: S10-136-5 SECRET (CCE/Prop)

This is further to our letter of June 23rd and recent telephone conversation between representatives of our Departments.

The Assistant Deputy Minister of the Department of Lands and Forests for the Province of Quebec has granted permission to your Department to undertake preliminary tests for the Gap Filler Stations in that Province. Before making any tests, however, the Assistant Deputy Minister requests that your engineers obtain from the Local Officers in charge of Forest Protection Work Permits on the understanding that any timber cut will be cut in accordance with Provincial Regulations covering forest protection and that the rights of the timber licence holder will be protected. The Local Officers have been advised of your requirements by the Assistant Deputy Minister.

The Province of New Brunswick has also granted permission to carry out tests on New Brunswick lands. However, access to Mount Carleton is over roads constructed by Fraser Companies Ltd on Crown land under timber licence and on land which they own. Permission for access should be obtained from Mr VC Bastin, Manager, Lumber and Logging Department, Fraser Companies Ltd, Edmundston, NB/

The Province also emphasizes that adequate measures must be taken to avoid interference with the Department's established road, communication and forest fire protection system before construction permits can be issued.

Yours truly,

JR Baldwin,
Deputy Minister

The Deputy Minister,
Department of National Defence,
Ottawa, Ontario.