Gap Filler Detail

1959 – National Archives of Canada




56 Lyons Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
July 29th, 1959


General Engineering Company Limited,
100 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto 1, Ontario


Re: Preliminary engineering services -
Gap Filler Radar Stations -
Northeastern Ontario

We enclose herewith our Contract for Performance of Work, Form DCL 46, which provides for the preliminary engineering services required for Gap Filler Stations in Northeastern Ontario.

An expenditure of $30,825.00 has been authorized to cover the revised estimate of cost outlined in your letter of July 13th, 1959, broken down as follows:

  1. Engineering services - based on the minimum day rates recommended by the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario .....$26,375.00

  2. Out-of-pocket expenses, actual cost.......4,450.00


If it appears evident, when expenditures reach 80% of the authorization, that either part of this estimate will be exceeded, you are requested to advise this office immediately and submit a revised estimate for consideration.

As expenditures will be subject to audit by Cost Inspection and Audit Division, Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury, instructions concerning the preparation and submission of monthly progress claims will be communicated to you by the Toronto District Office of that Division.

To facilitate the conduct of the audit, you are requested to submit Application for Approval, Form DCL 49, listing the name, classification and rate of each member of your staff to be engaged on this project. This form should also be used to seek approval of any outside consultant considered for soil investigations and of out-of-pocket expenses not specifically described in the Basis of Payment. A supply of Form DCL 49 is enclosed for your convenience.

You are asked to observe most carefully the instructions at the end of the contract concerning the necessity for maintaining security measures in connection with this contract.

Please indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the enclosed contract by returning one signed copy for our records.

Yours very truly,

JD Jennison,
