Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada

S949-105 (ATSC)


27 Apr 61

Ref: 10-30-80/5 dated 13 Mar 61


CADIN Gap Filler
Building Design Approval

The minutes of the meeting held 13 Apr 61 (copy attached) recorded general approval of the Gap Filler building design. Your memo FF2113 dated 14 Apr 61 confirmed that action is being taken to make the changes recommended in the minutes with the exception of the changes suggested for the accommodation area. It should therefore be agreed that you now have the "sign off" requested by your memo 10-36-80/5 (DCEP) dated 13 Mar 61.

In regard to the accommodation area, the changes recommended in the minutes and which we subsequently discussed with DADSI are still considered as highly desirable and should be incorporated if at all possible.

(SS Whetstone) S/L
TSC 3-3