Gap Filler Detail

1963 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (DCEP)


26 Nov 63

D Eng C

Loop Road Design
Gap Filler Radar Stations

The loop road concept for the gap filler radar stations was conceived at the beginning of the gap filler programme and was developed in order to meet the following requirements.

  1. Means of reaching the personnel door in the covered passageway and the equipment doors of the Radar Building and the Power & Accommodation Building, the base of the radar tower and the unloading point for the fuel oil storage tanks. As these five locations were all around the buildings and tower, it was considered that the least expensive means of reaching all points was by a loop road.

  2. Large vehicles, transporting equipment or hauling fuel oil and snowplows, snowmobiles, etc would be able to turn around much easier on a loop road than by any other method.

  3. The normal site is fenced on a 250 ft square and more retricted sites on a 150 ft square. The restricted sites have less than normal turning radius for vehicles. The fence is usually located about 10 to 15 ft lower than the buildings. Under normal conditions, it is impossible for a truck to reach the doors of the buildings or the tower without the road being cut or filled on an average of 3 to 5 ft. A typical example is shown on drawing No G28-8-1000-2 (Gowganda).

  4. The levelling of the site by cutting and filling for the loop road also provided reasonably level area for the fuel oil storage tanks and possibly for trailer accommodation and garage if personnel are on continuous duty. Maintenance problems are going to be very serious at sites such as Beaver Tower, Nishkotea Lake, L'Ascension, La Tuque, St Hedwidge, where long access roads are involved.

    May we please be advised whether the above mentioned operational requirements will be met at sites having steep slopes, such as Beaver Tower (B50-8-1000-1), Gowganda (C28-8-1000-2), L'Ascension (L39-8-1000-1), Nishkotea Lake (N24-8-1000-1), and Taschereau (LGL 180-254)?

    (MC Hyslop) W/C