Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada

United States Air Force
Griffiss Air Force Base, New York

26 February 1960

Reply to Attn of: ROZMA/CADIN

Subject: CADIN Gap Filler Buildings

At the Gap Filler Conference held at this headquarters 24 February 1960 and attended by W/C Martin, of your staff, the necessity for reinforcing the building wall to support the heat exchangers was discussed.

It was agreed that support of the exchangers would be left to the RCAF/CCE and that the wall would not be reinforced. It is now felt that there may have been some misunderstanding regarding the actual requirement.

It is this headquarters opinion that the neatest and most practical way of providing the support required would be to fasten three foot by three foot plates of one-eight steel on the inside and outside of the wall immediately below the heat exchanger opening.

Construction details of the exchangers will be forwarded in the near future. The weight of each exchanger is 605 pounds plus associated mounting hardware of about 50 pounds.


Aaron E Caplan
Major, USAF
Chief, Air Defense Systems Division