USAF Gap Fillers - Labrador/Newfoundland

National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/7 CCE/Prop

8 May, 1962

The President,
Crown Assets Disposal Corporation,
PO Box 451,
Ottawa 2, Ontario

Dear Sir:

Re: Disposal of Land
Gap Filler Radar Sites -
Newfoundland - Labrador

Forwarded herewith are three Reports of Surplus for small, scattered parcels of land owned by the Crown in right of Canada at deactivated USAF Gap Filler Radar Sites at La Scie, Elliston Ridge, Newfoundland and Spotted Island, Labrador.

The remainder of the land acquired by the Crown for the USAF at the three above sites, and all the land at three Gap Filler Sites situated at Fox Harbour, Cape Makkovik and Cut Throat Island, Labrador, is held on reservation from the Province of Newfoundland for so long as it is required for the Mid-Canada Line, and action will be taken to have this land revert to the Crown in the right of Newfoundland when the buildings, installed equipment and utility services located at the sites have been disposed of by your Corporation.

If it would facilitate the sale of buildings and installed equipment on land held on reservation from Newfoundland, prospective purchasers might be informed that they could retain the buildings on site provided that they first secured the agreement of the Province of Newfoundland. Since the Crown in the right of Canada will have no further interest in the land once it reverts to the Province, it is immateriel whether the buildings remain on site thereafter.

The United States Navy has expressed an interest in acquiring all or part of the Redcliffe Air Station Prime Radar Site and an exchange of notes on the diplomatic level is being awaited before action is taken to report this site surplus.

Yours sincerely,

(EB Armstrong)
Deputy Minister

F/L WH McConnell/jd
13 Apr 62