Gap Filler Detail

1963 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/Prop)


12 Mar 63


Forestry Towers and Access Roads -
Gap Filler Sites, Eastern Canada.

Further to our memorandum and letter at Flag "A" hereunder, the project engineering staff has now passed us additional instructions regarding property, forestry towers, and access roads at a number of the Gap Filler sites. The information in respect of land acquisition has been passed to DOT in our letter of 20 February this year but at that time we had not received details on the towers and roads.

If you concur in the draft letter at flyleaf advising Transport of further steps to be taken in connection with the deferred Gap Filler Programme, may it be signed and despatched, please.

(JF Brennagh) W/C
for CAS