Gap Filler Detail

1963 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 TD3042 (A/CCE)


12 Mar 63


Gap Filler Programme
Construction Status

On 15 Feb 63 (ADM(C&P) sent letters to TB and DCL concerning the Gap Filler Programme. These letters are on file hereunder and each one has a minor change from the original as proposed by the RCAF. The change has been marked in each case.

Treasury Board in their letter 606933 dated 20 Feb 63 on file 10-36-80/5 TD3053 concurred with our recommendation that the Gap Filler Programme be deferred one year. However, they have asked to be advised before the construction programme is re-instituted late in 1963 or early 1964.

The Gap Fillers will be retained in the 1963-64 programme although it does not appear that any physical work will start until early in 1964 with completion during the 1964-65 fiscal year. The preparation of plans and specifications is continuing and they will be ready for all sites by the fall of 1963.

(CL Ingles) G/C
Acting CCE