Gap Filler Detail

1963 – National Archives of Canada

File: 1653-6 -805 -808 -801 (RE)


April 29th, 1963

Dear Sir:

Re: Forestry Towers and Access Roads -
Deferred Gap Filler Programme -
Your File: 10-36-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/Prop)

With reference to your letter dated March 15th regarding the Deferred Gap Filler Programme, we are herewith attaching for your information a copy of a letter from the Gaspesian Forest Protective Association Limited, with respect to the site at Squateck and a copy of a letter from the Ottawa River Forest Protective Association Limited, regarding the Belleterre and Nishkotea Lake sites.

Please note that with regard to the Squateck Site, the Association concerned has apparently been changed to the Gaspesian Forest Protective Association Limited since our Regional Office previously dealt with the Southern St Lawrence Forest Protective Association regarding this matter.

In the letter dated April 16th from The Ottawa River Forest Protective Association Limited, they have raised the point regarding the use of these roads by other people. Would you please advise in this regard. We would also appreciate being informed whether the terms under which these Companies have agreed to use the roads are satisfactory to your Department.

Yours truly,

JR Baldwin
Deputy Minister

The Deputy Minster,
Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario