Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (DCEP)

Victoria Island,
Ottawa, Ontario

24 January 1962

Defence Construction (1951) Limited,
56 Lyon Street
Ottawa, Ontario

Re: Construction of Access Roads
Gap Filler Radar Stations, General

Dear Sirs:

The access roads to the Gap Filler Radar Stations fall into two general categories, first, those which are short and where the alignment and grades are generally firm as the result of other physical features, such as property lines, farm fences, etc. The second category is those roads which are medium to long and where the alignment and grades are not necessarily firm. The access road plans and profiles show a reasonable alignment and grades for tendering purpose, however, it is requested that your Area Engineers adjust the alignment and grades during the initial clearing of the right-of-ways in order to produce the best balance in cuts and fills, particularly in rock excavation. The grade lines should be as close as possible to the existing ground elevations, taking depth of overburden into consideration, but should not be steepened. The preferable minimum radius on curves is 100 feet and the allowable minimum radius is 50 feet. On 50 to 100 foot radius curves, the width of the road should be increased to 20 feet.

If it is anticipated that over-runs will be experienced in road quantities, it is requested that one print of a plan, profile and cross-sections shall be submitted to this office to substantiate such increases immediately. This plan, profile and cross-sections shall be prepared from field data obtained from your engineers. The following scales are preferred:

Plan 1"=100'
Profile 1"=10'
Cross-sections 1"=10' natural

It is requested that all contractors be advised that clearing of the right-of-way must be carried out continuously until completed and this clearing includes the disposal of timber, brush, trimmings and stumps. Trees are NOT to be bulldozed down the slopes and living trees beyond the right-of-way are NOT to be damaged.

Yours truly,

(JW Griffith)
for Chief of the Air Staff