Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada


S10-136-80/5 (DCEP)


23 Mar 61


Permission to Enter for Field Survey & Soil Investigation
Gap Filler Radar Stations, Various

Further to our S10-136-80/5 (JDPG) of 21 oct 60, also 27 May 60 and your S10-136-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/Prop) of 1 Jun 60 to DOT, we are enclosing six copies of a description and sketch showing the location of the following new sites for Gap Filler Radar Stations:

N W Ontario

Whitefish Lake, Manitouwadge, Gold Rock and Graham Relocated

N E Ontario

Gowganda and Mattawa

S Ontario

Sparta, Stoney Creek, Hastings and Lucknow

W Quebec

Nishkotea Lake, L'Ascension, Beaver Tower and Taschereau

E Quebec

St Adalbert, L'Anse St Jean and Squatteck


Bridgetown and Summerville Centre, NS, Shemogue and Whites Brook, NB

NOTE 1: There are two more sites to come this sumer to bring the total up to 45

NOTE 2: New sites cannot be paired off with deleted sites.

It is requested that DOT be asked to obtain permission to enter for field survey and soil investigation and advise the consultants directly.

The consultants have been requested to proceed with the actual field work as soon as a change order is received from DCL to their present contract on sites which are readily available, including S Ontario, Maritimes, and possibly St Adalbert and Squatteck. The remaining sites will not be accessible until May or June.

(JW Griffith) G/C