Gap Filler Detail

1961 – National Archives of Canada


S10-136-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/Prop)

28 March 1961

Deputy Minister
Department of Transport
Ottawa, Ontario

Dear Sir:

Re: Proposed Gap Filler Sites -
Eastern Canada
Your file: 26-10-7 (RE)

Would you please refer to the correspondence exchanged between our departments concerning Gap Filler stations to be constructed at a number of locations in Eastern Canada.

As a result of a reappraisal of the equipment and facilities to be employed at these installations, 21 new sites have been selected and have been operationally approved by United States - Canada team of engineers.These sites are located in the Maritimes, Eastern and Western Quebec, and Southern, North Eastern and North Western Ontario. I am attaching three copies each of a plan and description illustrating the general area and setting out the most comprehensive data available at present in respect of the parcel of land proposed for each of the 21 stations.

Because of the relatively large number of sites dealt with in this letter and attachments, a security classification of "Secret" has been used. However, as in previous cases involving Gap Filler and similar projects, correspondence and negotiations covering the individual sites is to be treated as "Unclassified" matter.

I would be pleased if you would instruct your agents to obtain permision of the owners for the carrying out of field surveys and soil investigations by our consulting engineers; as it is intended to conduct the surveys and investigations as soon as possible, your agents should be instructed to advise the consulting engineers directly with a copy of their letters sent to this department through your office.

Yours sincerely,

(EB Armstrong)
Deputy Minister