Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada

S10-136-80/5 (JDPG)

14 March 1960

Department of Lands & Mines
Fredericton, NB

Attention: Mr K B Brown, Executive Assistant

Re: Forestry Tower at Mt Carleton, NB

Dear Sirs:

Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of 24 February 1960.

The initial correspondence on this project was between Mr JP Adams, Regional Manager of Real Estate, Department of Transport, Montreal, who acted on our behalf, and your Department last summer. Subsequently we had an exchange of correspondence with your District Foresters PE Boucher at Edmundston and DA Wolstenholme at Campbellton. We were not aware that Mr Adams had twice reported to you that he had no further information. Although we were lacking details, the Department of Transport in Ottawa were requested on 28 January 1960 to advise you that our installation will consist of an Operations building and Tower as close as practicable to the highest point of the mountain and a Power and Accommodation building further down the hill, both areas occupying approximately 100 feet square. In addition, a road allowance will be required from the site to the Fraser Company Nictau Lake Road. It is not understood why you had not received this information. The following additional details are now forwarded to you.

Our letter of 3 February was intended to deal with only the technical aspects of our proposed installation and we wish to assure you that the legal aspects, including the ownership of the tower in the event that the site is abandoned, will be dealt with at a later date by the proper authorities.

As it is anticipated that our construction and installation contracts will extend over at least two summers, it is not intended to use the existing site of your tower nor expect your tower to be dismantled until our installation is completed.

Our consultant has completed the field surveys, but our plans have not been developed to the point at which they might be conveyed to interested parties, however, as soon as they reach that stage, we will advise both the Province and Fraser Companies Ltd.

Yours truly,

(JW Griffith)
Group Captain
for Chief of the Air Staff