Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada

File Reference: 10-136-80/5 Vol 2


Min 7


As outlined in min(3) it is impossible at this moment to predict the degree of interference, if any. However the problem has been presented through our RADC Liaison Officer to GEEIA. From his recent reply we quote:

Discussion with HQ GEEIA staff indicates that no problems have been reported or are anticipated. No preventive action has been taken other to specify on the Installation Standards that the communications antenna must be mounted below the window level i.e. at least 12' below the radar radiator. This presumes that Fire Warden communications will normally be required to point in one direction only. The separation both physical and in frequency, should negate any interference via the antenna but extra shielding of receiver chassis may be required in some instances.

It appears from the above that no serious interference problems are anticipated. Corrective measures as mentioned above consist of suitable antenna location and perhaps extra shielding of the communications equipment in some cases.

Any further problems which might arise in spite of this should be examined in their own light and corrective measures applied according to the manner in which such interference enters the communications equipment.

(Mr AGW Timmers)
E-in-C 3

16 May 60