Gap Filler Detail

1960 – National Archives of Canada

File: 26-10-7
1653-684-1 (RE)


December 21st, 1960

Dear Sir:

Re: Gap Filler Installations
Your File: S10-136-80/5 Vol 2 (CCE/Prop)

Referring to your letter of June 1st, 1960 concerning the matter of land on which Gap Filler Radar Stations are to be sited; for your information the following is an extract of a report received from our Land Agent on December 8th, 1960:

As a result of our Mr Cormier's contacting Mr Hiscock of Crandall and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Moncton, he has been advised by Mr Hiscock that the re-located Scotch Settlement and Springton Gap Filler Station sites have been confirmed in early November as being located on Bull Moose Mountain, near Norton NB and St Joseph, NB. Also included on the confirmed list was the site of Todd Mountain, near Boiestown, NB. It was further pointed out to our Mr Cormier that all information and particulars would have to be ready for construction to begin by the end of March 1961, which means from a practical point of view that all preliminary details are to be available by the end of this month. On the same occasion, three other re-located sites have also been mentioned for which no authority has as yet been issued for surveys on same.

We do not appear to have been further advised regarding the subject matter installations since the receipt of your memo of June 3rd last at which time DND advised to suspend all action. Furthermore, it also seems that no entry agreements have been secured in the light of National Defence's decision to review the situation.

Therefore, we would appreciate knowing exactly where these matters stand at the present time although it is felt that inasmuch as the three above mentioned sites have only been confirmed in early November, that there might not have been any definite action taken with regards to acquiring title to the lands in question.

Before proceeding further will you please let us have your instructions.

Yours truly,

JR Baldwin
Deputy Minister

The Deputy Minister,
Department of National Defence
Ottawa, Ontario