Gap Filler Detail

1962 – National Archives of Canada

10-36-80/5 (DCEP)


20 Jul 62


Protectowire System
Gap Filler Radar Stations, General

As a result of some research into the quotation from DCL to provide wiring etc for an extension of protectowire fire alarm system to the trailer from the existing gap filler buildings, it would appear that this additional expenditure should not be incurred or added to existing sites under construction.

In the first place, there is an element of doubt as to the necessity for the protectowire system in buildings that will not be manned. In any case, if protection is required for the short period that the installations are to be manned by providing trailers, then we should terminate the protectowire installation at the junction box. If and when trailers are authorized, the setting up of these trailers will require certain services and the protectowire hook-up could then be included with the trailer services.

The attached change order from DCL should not be authorized and instructions should be issued that the contractor should only provide the parts and equipment already included in the contract.

(GD Steele) S/L