Cut Throat Island, Labrador

National Archives of Canada

Certified to be a true copy of a Minute of a Meeting of the Treasury Board, approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the 22nd of October 1959.

TB 553958


The Board had under consideration a report and recommendation for the Honourable the Acting Minister of Transport representing:

"That the Province of Newfoundland by Orders-in-Council 1081-'58 of June 5th, 1959, and 696-'57 of October 10th, 1957 transferred the administration and control to Her Majesty in right of Canada of the surface rights of approximately 118.12 acres of Provincial land in the District of Labrador South, required by the Department of National Defence in connection with the USAF Gap Filler Unit at Cut Throat Island, and more particularly described in the said Provincial Orders, on record in the Department of Transport, subject to the following condition:

If, and as soon as, the area above-described is no longer used for the purpose for which it is required, the administration and control of it shall thereupon revert to Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Newfoundland.

The undersigned, therefore, recommends that acceptance be given to the transfer of the administration and control from Her Majesty in right of the Province of Newfoundland to Her Majesty in right of Canada, subject to the aforesaid condition."

The Board concurs in the above report and recommendation, and submits the same for favourable consideration.

RB Bryce (?)
Clerk of the Privy Council