Fox Harbour, Labrador

2000 – Fox Harbor or St. Lewis – Eva Luther

Fox Harbour or St. Lewis?

From what I learned talking to Calvin Poole, Fox Harbour was changed to St. Lewis when we got the post office here - and that was in the early 1950s. He says that there never was a postal stamp with Fox Harbour, Labrador on it - so as far as Canada Post is concerned, we've always been St. Lewis.

Fox Harbour is currently known as St. Lewis. Mail confusion with another location called Fox Harbour (on Newfoundland's south coast – a small community close to Argentia) resulted in Fox Harbour, Labrador changing its name to St. Lewis, as requested by Canada Post, in 1981. The Town of St. Lewis was incorporated in 1981.

The situation remains a bit confusing because even today a lot of local people still refer to it as Fox Harbour - that includes the fact that we have a Fox Harbour LORAN station and Air Labrador still calls it Fox Harbour.

This detail was provided by Eva Luther for use on the Pinetree Line web site.

Pinetree Line Note: - The intent of this information is to simply provide some detail on the ongoing uncertainty as to what the community has been called over the years. The USAF manned Gap-Filler site was known as Fox Harbour – so that is good enough for us.