Spotted Island Gap Filler, Labrador, Nfld

National Archives of Canada

PO Box 451, Ottawa 2, Ont.

Ref File No: LB 20909

Your file: S10-136-80/7

Department of National Defence (Air)
"B" Building, Cartier Square,
Ottawa, Ontario

Attention - Sq Leader R T Williams

Dear Sirs,-

Re - Gap Filler at Spotted Island, Labrador, Nfld

Attached in duplicate please find this Corporation's official receipt No 4378 in connection with the take over of the above noted land which was reported surplus by your Department under date of March 26, 1962.

For your information the land as described on the receipt was sold to the Newfoundland Construction and Development Limited, PO Bos 1143, St John's, Nfld under an Agreement of Sale dated December 13, 1962.

Yours very truly,

EP Sarazin,
for: TP O'Donoghue, Manager,
Lands & Buildings Division.
