Choloy, France

1957 – 3 (F) Wing – Assorted Sources


20 June 1957 -

F/O RB Donald - Navigator
W/C WAG McLeish - Pilot, DFC, AFC, CD

Comments from Don Norrie:

W/C WAG McLeish was the Officer Commanding of 440 Squadron at 3 (F) Wing, Zweibrucken Germany. He, and his navigator, F/O RB Donald were killed in Germany in the crash of CF-100 # 18391. McLeish had been entangled in a thunderstorm just before the crash.

Extracts from 2 Wing Historical Record

20 June 1957 - 3 Wing had an unfortunate accident today with the OC of the CF-100 Squadron, 3 Wing (440 Squadron) crashed near Saarguemines killing both himself and his navigator. W/C Handly and F/L Benjamin from 2 Wing are detailed for the investigation.

[F/O RB Donald Grave Marker]

[F/O RB Donald Grave Marker]

Grave marker photos courtesy of Malcolm Cromarty - February 2001