Choloy, France

1956 – 1 (F) Wing – Assorted Sources


28 September 1956 - F/O MT Tillotson


F/O MT Tillotson was a pilot with 439 Squadron at 1 (F) Wing, Marville France. He was killed when his aircraft (Sabre #23496) suffered a flame-out on an overshoot and he ejected at 1000 feet.

Extracts from 1 Wing Historical Narrative

224785 F/O MT Tillotson was killed in an aircraft accident at Longuyon, France, on 28 September 1956. A service funeral was held in the Protestant Chapel on 3 October. The funeral party consisted of the Pipe Band, members of 439 Sqn, and the Wing Guard of Honour. The late F/O Tillotson was later interned at Toul Cemetary.

[F/O MT Tillotson Temporary Grave Marker]

Courtesy National Archives of Canada - C208035

[F/O MT Tillotson Grave Marker]

[F/O MT Tillotson Grave Marker]

Grave marker photos courtesy of Malcolm Cromarty - February 2001