Metz, France

1958 – Controller Training – National Archives of Canada


RCAF Station Metz

29 Jul 58



Six Officers reported to 61 AC&W Squadron on 23 Jun 58 for employment as fighter controllers. Four of these officers were CF-100 crewmen to be so employed for their ground tour, one a transfer from Air Pilot to Fighter Controller and the sixth a Fighter Control Operator commissioned from the ranks. A training program as devised along the lines of a former one run during Mar and Apr. 13, 02


Lectures - Five days were devoted to lecturing on the requirements for the trade at One Air Division.

Synthetics - The second week was devoted to simulated interceptions on the synthetic trainer. This program was not too successful due to technical difficulty and a good deal of time during this week was devoted to practical work and further lectures.

Live Controlling Practice – Three weeks were devoted to control of actual aircraft. The first week controlling CF-100 type aircraft during daylight hours and the third week during hours of darkness. The second week being devoted to F86 type of aircraft on IDF tactics. Basic tactics were used throughout this training and each trainee practiced standard hand-off tactics under close supervision. An average of seventy intercepts were completed by each officer during this training.


Proficiency - Each trainee is now a proficient intercept controller and for a short while is being paired with an experienced controller to further his training. It is anticipated that with three months experience, each will be capable of any job within the trade of this unit. One thing should be made clear here – that if these personnel are to be employed in the AC&W system in Canada further training will be necessary in the equipment used and the Canadian – US ADC Organization.


The course was quite successful with the exception of the recently commissioned officer who being transferred in a week late for the course is still under training.