Metz, France
Support Unit (SU) Metz

1956 – Summary Report– National Archives of Canada

RCAF Support Unit Metz, France
Summary Report
Period from 1 Jun 56 to 30 Nov 56

For the above mentioned period, the strength of RCAF Support Unit was approximately 18 officers and 231 men.

During these six months, personnel of 1 Air Division HQ and Support Unit were involved in two fatal accidents in which one of those killed was a Canadian dependent The PMC accident rate per month was as follows:















Of an average of 750 cars registered over this period, one driver in every sixteen was involved in an accident. This has led to a very stringent programme of prevention and punishment. The smallest driving offences receive disciplinary action; AFPs have been authorized to remove keys from any serviceman not considered fit to drive; off-station offences are promptly reported to Headquarters by the French civil police; and personnel must pass rigid French and RCAF tests before being issued driving permits. A driver-training programme for dependents has been instituted.

ME statistics for the period show that an employment of 99 vehicles, 52 ME drivers and 122 temporary drivers operated a total of 237,483 miles. Three accidents, costing $15.00 for safety vehicles and $35.00 for civilian vehicles, gives an accident record of 1.3 per 100,000 miles.

On the Security side, unceasing efforts were made to exclude undesirable political elements from infiltrating the Headquarters, particularly by means of employment. One in every four Frenchmen casts his vote for the Communist Party. While many thousands of those are not true Communists, penetration by secret communists is a very real menace which must be constantly guarded against. Close liaison is therefore maintained with SIU (Europe) and with French and American security agencies.

For the period 1 Jun to 30 Nov 56, the Fire Section answered ten calls with a fire loss of $12.52. This amount was recovered by the RCAF. An effective fire prevention programme, including monthly inspections of buildings, detachment, ME vehicles and fire extinguishers, was responsible for the good record.

(RD Kehoe) W/C
Commanding Officer
RCAF Support Unit,
Metz, France