Falconbridge, ON

1960 – Historical Narrative – National Archives of Canada

Historical Narrative
RCAF Station Falconbridge
1 Jun 60 to 39 Nov 60

8 Jun 60

For the first time, full Station Battle Staff in this unit Station Organization was implemented for Operation Exercise – Desk Top III. This Staff consisted of Acting CO, Battle Commander, CAdO, Acting CTSO, SIO, ECMO. Each member of staff had available to him his own personnel to fully cover all operations, technical and administration procedures required by an exercise of this magnitude.

10 Jun 60

Operations Catseye 24 – Duration of this exercise was approximately three hours with full battle staff commitments.

11 Jun 60

The Canadian Girl Guides Association, Sudbury Division, held their annual rally on the station. The Town Council with its Mayor, F/L K Freebairn, played host to the 450 Commissioners, Guiders, Guides and Brownies who attended the rally.

12 Jun 60

Mr. Gravel, RCA representative, completed technical assistance call on 15-J1D.

21 Jun 60

The ADC AC&W Visiting Team visited the Operations Squadron for three days for the purpose of giving proficiency exams to Directors and FtrCops. The team was composed as follows: S/L King, S/L Bishop, F/L Biesley and F/L Elton.

23 Jun 60

Operations Catseye 19 - The duration of this exercise was approximately six hours with battle staff commitments, ceasing at 0400 hours local.

24 Jun 60

W/C Garton, CO, and S/L Brodeur, COpsO, on TD to 2451 AC&W (Auxiliary) Squadron, Windsor, Ont. to attend the International Air Force Night.

26 Jun 60

S/L Brodeur, COpsO, represented the Commanding Officer at the handing over parade held by the 2420 AC&W (Auxiliary) Squadron, London, Ontario when S/L Nelligan took over the Squadron as new CO from S/L Williams, retiring.

28 Jun 60

Single engined Cessna aircraft believed to be down somewhere in the Metagama district in a flight between Kapuskasing and Sudbury.

29 Jun 60

45 officers and airmen from S&R, Trenton, arrived at this unit to carry out the search for the missing plane. The S&R section at this station, headed by F/L Munro, participated in the search. An airwomen’s fashion show was presented on CKSO-TV, Sudbury on the afternoon programme "Patio". This fashion parade, organized by F/L E Cott, UPRO, was part of the intensive advertising programme for Air Force Day to be celebrated at this unit on Sunday, 3 Jul. Missing aircraft spotted by a member of the S&R team. Pilot found dead in the wreckage.

1 Jul 60

Operations organization changed to make the Flight Commanders responsible to the OpsO vice COpsO; and Surv. Stand O, Control Stand O and Train O responsible to COpsO vice OpsO.

3 Jul 60

Air Force Day! 21,000 visitors invaded the station to see the interesting static displays presented by the different sections in the Rec. Hall and the highlight of the day – the Golden Hawks demonstration. An overwhelming success which created the worst traffic jam in the Sudbury history. (Another 20,000 people were enroute to the Station).

7 Jul 60

Operations participated in Exercise Cueball 9. The Surveillance Standard Officer, F/L CW Gordon, attended a two-day Surveillance Conference at COC, St. Hubert. The handover of Power Modifications and alterations to Ops Building took place this date; also the acceptance of the new Arctic Tower from Contractor.

13 Jul 60

Operations participated in Exercise Duty Clock – STP Problem 657.

18 Jul 60

S/L HJ Weeden assumed the position of Acting COpsO during the leave period 18 Jul – 31 Jul of S/L PV Brodeur, COpsO.

22 – 29 Jul 60

F/L FM Freebairn, SGTO, attended an Auxiliary Training Conference at 2451 Squadron, Windsor.

28 Jul 60

Operations participated in Exercise Catseye 20.

3 Aug 60

Changes to MSE establishment; 2 MSE Operators, AC Positions, added and one MSE Tech, Cpl. position, deleted.

3 – 7 Aug 60

S&R exercise carried out at Solace Lake, approximately 50 miles North of Sudbury, to familiarization personnel with cross country navigation, shelter building, food provisioning and outdoor cooking – 8 personnel participated. Camp visited by CO. During the month of Aug, Operational exercises included:

4 Aug

Sioux Brave

17 Aug


18 Aug

Catseye 21

5 Aug – 5 Sep 60

S/L PV Brodeur, COpsO, took over the command of RCAF Station Falconbridge as Acting CO during the absence on leave of W/C Garton. F/L JC Millman assumed the position of Acting COpsO.

19 Aug 60

Girls NORA Softball tournament held at this unit. Stations Edgar, Foymount, and Falconbridge participated. Station Foymount came first, Falconbridge second, and Edgar third.

21 Aug 60

S/L BHC Spicer, CTSO, transferred to AFHQ.

26 Aug 60

MSE Truck Road-e-o held at this unit. Nine service and one civilian drivers participated. Cpl. Dexter, Grand Winner, was presented with the trophy by S/L Brodeur, Acting CO. Softball tournament between Officers and Sr. NCOs. At the end of the 6th inning, when the game stopped, the score was, according to the official scorekeeper (a member of the Officers’ Mess) – Officers 32 – Sgts. 1. A good time enjoyed by all!

30 - 31 Aug 60

F/O M Leshchyshyn, Unit ECM Officer, proceeded on TD to ADCHQ to attend an ECM conference.

2 Sep 60

Swimming exams were held at this unit for Dependents’ children who took the Red Cross Swimming instructions during the Summer months under the direction of F/C Karen Edwards, URTP. Senior, intermediate and junior badges were presented to those who qualified.

3 Sep 60

Mr. Lind of Northern Electric Co. completed technical assistance call on AN/FPS-508. Trouble was alignment of Klystron to Waveguide.

6 Sep 60

S/L Jones, Tech/Tel transferred in from AMCHQ to assume the position of CTSO. AN/GPA-501 (SIF) operational on a limited basis. Installed by this station technicians. The new SIF replaces the Mark X IFF equipment.

16 – 18 Sep 60

Scouts Camporee held at RCAF Station Falconbridge. 250 Boy Scouts and 30 Scouters gathered on the station grounds for a three day Camporee, the largest to be held in Sudbury district. Some items on the programme: Fire Fighting demonstration by RCAF personnel, camp fire, church parade, etc.

18 Sep 60

The 20th anniversary of the Battle of Britain was celebrated at this station by a parade and Church Services. Approximately 175 station personnel participated. The parade was led by the Band of the 58th (Sudbury) LAA Regiment (M), Sudbury. W/C Garton and the two Chaplains took the salute.

19 – 22 Sep 60

Members of the Canadian/USA Military Co-Operation Committee held a three day meeting at this station. A well-planned entertainment programme was prepared for the visitors for their off-duty hours: Cocktail party, fishing trip, golfing, tour of INCO mining grounds, etc.

23 Sep 60

AN/FLH-501 Operational, installed by Canadian Arsenal’s technicians. F/L GG Holmes, Control StandO proceeded on TD to the Air Force College Staff School at Toronto for a three months’ course. During the month of Sep, Operational exercises included:

9 Sep

Sky Shield

29 Sep

Fallout Exercise

(two umpires from ADCHQ participated)

24 Sep 60

Kiwanis Kid’s Day – Approximately 35 children, wards of the Sudbury Kiwanis Club were guests of this station. Lunch, Fire Fighting demonstration, swimming and other sport activities were part of the day’s programme – enjoyed by all.

28 Sep 60

NORA Horseshoe tournament held at this unit. Stations North Bay, Foymount, Edgar, and Falconbridge participating. Station Falconbridge took second place in the finals.

29 Sep 60

Town Council elections – 38402 S/L MI Nordman, elected Mayor.

8 Oct 60

Radome for new FPS-507, erection completed by RCA technicians.

9 – 15 Oct 60

Fire Prevention week held at this station. The Firemen’s Ball was held on 14 Oct and was marked by the election of a Miss Fire Prevention. LAW Howard, Clerk Adm, was elected.

12 – 14 Oct 60

Dr. Patton, STP Specialist from Ottawa Sector, was in consultation with the Unit STPO.

17 – 21 Oct 60

ADC Radar Calibration team visited this unit to carry out test runs on FPS-508.

21 Oct 60

Officer’s Mess Dinner was held at this unit. Mr. Hennessy, Engineer for the City of Sudbury, was guest speaker. Major Olson, Commander of USAF Base, Ramore, Ontario, was present.

29 – 30 Oct 60

An Air Cadet Officers’ Refresher Course was held at this station. ACOs from Sudbury, Blind River, Sault Ste. Marie and Wawa Squadrons attended the course organized by Station Falconbridge, parent unit, for the above squadrons.

31 Oct 60

FPS-6 and FPS-508 radome painting completed. Children’s Halloween costumes contest organized by the Town Council. Prizes were distributed for the best costumes. During the month of Oct, Operations exercises included:

4 Oct

Big Show

6 Oct

Sioux Dance

15 & 16 Oct

Operational Readiness Inspection

26 Oct

Catseye 25

27 Oct

STP 603

1 Nov 60

Major Crawford and Mr. R Sheppard of AMC arrived on the station for flight trials of FPS-507. Equipment proved satisfactory.

2 Nov 60

FPS-507 taken over from RCA installation crew and put on Operations.

2 – 3 Nov 60

During the month of Nov, Operations exercises included: Exercise Top Team.

2 – 4 Nov 60

28633 F/L FM Freebairn, SGTO, proceeded on TD to ADCHQ for SGTOs Conference.

2 – 17 Nov 60

38402 F/L MI Nordman proceeded on TD to Cold Lake on Basic Phase II Controller Course.

11 – 19 Nov 60

23538 S/L PV Brodeur, COpsO, was acting CO in absence of W/C Garton who attended course No. 1 GMSTIC at RCAF Station Clinton.

13 Nov 60

Bishop Carter of Sault Ste Marie Diocese blessed the new RC Chapel. G/C Davignon, W/C Gallagher and other local dignitaries attended the ceremony. The blessing of the Chapel was followed by a reception attended by visitors and the RC personnel and their families.

18 Nov 60

300568 F/L JA MacGregor commenced double banking with 206856 F/L E Cott, OpsO, preparatory to assuming the position of OpsO in Dec. 205367 F/L RET Ritchie commenced double banking with 206856 F/L E Cott, PRO, preparatory to assuming the position of PRO in Dec.

19 Nov 60

Familiarization tour of Station Falconbridge organized for the Sault Ste Marie Air Cadet Squadron – F/L Powell, Senior Air Cadet Liaison Officer and F/O Edge, Parent Unit Liaison officer, greeted the visitors and conducted the tour of domestic and operations sites. Officers’ Mess held its first formal mixed dinner of the season. The Square Dance Caller’s Association of Sudbury District held their annual Jamboree in the Station Rec. Centre. Approximately 165 members from the nearby towns attended the meeting.

21 – 22 Nov 60

28633 F/L FM Freebairn and 219087 LAC JWB Chenier proceeded on TD to Station Edgar to attend an STP Conference.

22 Nov 60

F/L E Cott, (UPRO) and F/L RET Ritchie (UPRO elect) presented an illustrated lecture to Sudbury So-Ed Club. Lt. Col. Griffith, Captain Iddings, Captain Reeves and Lt. Keith, all USAF, reported on TD from 30th Air Div to give lectures on Century aircraft to CO, COpsO, and all available Operations officers.

23 Nov 60

Annual visit of A/V/M Macbrien, AOC, ADC. Tour of operations and domestic sites. The AOC met the officers and their wives at a luncheon held in the Officers’ Mess.

25 Nov 60

An ECM demonstration flight was flown to show personnel the various effects of jamming. The demonstration flight was a sequel to a month of concentrated ECM lectures.

28 – 30 Nov 60

11610 S/L HJ Weeden, D/COpsO, was Acting CO. 19797 W/C WM Garton, CO; 23528 S/L PV Brodeur, COpsO;38734 F/L CW Gordon, Surv Stand O; and 37372 A/FS FR Steeves, NCO i/c Surv Stand, proceeded on TD to SSMADS on familiarization duty.

(WM Garton) W/C,
CO RCAF Station Falconbridge.