Baldy Hughes, BC

1967 – Broomball Tournament – Cliff Ruttan

In 1966-1967 we used to play Broomball by the hour because there was little else for the single guys (and the trailer park residents) to do "up on the hill". This was the generally accepted name for the townsite although we had some PMQs in Pronce George.

One day one of the single MPs heard of a Broomball Tpournament spondsored by the RCMP in Dawson Creek. It required a $25.00 entry fee plus the cost of rations and quarters in Dawson Creek. We had a volunteer driver so a 15 passenger bus was OK. The CAdO lent us $250.00 to cover the cost but insisted we pay it back in three weeks. We protested like crazy and made the trip. Needless to say we slept in the seediest hotel and ate second baked goods, but we had a ball and we won the $250.00 prize money. The cash paid all of our bills and we came home with a trophy.

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Updated: April 6, 2005