Resolution Island

1954 – Radio Station WORM – Charles Farrar

The gentleman in civies is 2nd Lt. Dan Hampshire who was the most junior officer who landed with the first contingent of the 920th AC&W Squadron. It was he who wrote the semiannual reports of the squadron. He was also in charge of the radio station (WORM) where this picture was taken and the MARS station. He had several other duties but the story I remember best about him was on New Year's Day 1955. After getting up around 3:00 a.m. on New Year's day I went to the WORM and was going to play some music just for my own enjoyment. Unfortunately, I neglected to turn off the loud speakers throughout the site. After about half an hour, Lt. Hampshire came bursting into the station and told me to turn that blankety-blank radio off so he could get some sleep. I wasn't very popular there for a while. Notice the shaving brush--it was used to remove dust from the records to reduce the surface noise.