Queensport, NS

(L-R) - Hubert "Robbie" Robinson, Norm Bradbury, local resident William Munroe, Abe LaBelle, Fred Harris, Eric Pauley and Alex "Scottie" Moir.

Our water supply was Second Cow Lake which bodered our station. This water was good for washing and for showers, even for laundry. It was not that bad, after boiling, for tea and coffee, but as drinking water it left a great deal to be desired.

In 1943, our cook, Walter Harvey, fed up with complaints about the taste of lake water in his cooking, learned that fisherman, William Munroe, in the village could supply a very limited amount of good well water.

Hospital Assistant Scottie Moir was put in charge of procurement and was authorized to round up "volunteers" to help him replenish our five milk can supply. The usual trip to Munroe's was with three cans.

Scottie never really had any trouble rounding up willing helpers. This was one of those less onerous Joe Jobs, and besides it offered an opportunity to see and talk to someone other than the same old faces, have a nice cup of well water on a hot day, get some exercise, and it only took a couple hours of their time.

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Updated: April 17, 2005