9 Radio Detachment - Spider Island, BC.

1942 - Extracts from Daily Diary - National Archives of Canada

November 1, 1942 to December 31, 1942

1 Nov 42

Nominal station roll: - 1 officer, 12 airmen

Progress of Constructions work:-

Bldg #1- Quarters:-Exterior of buildings complete and painted. No interior panelling in place. Used as living quarters for Commanding Officer, contractor's superintendent and time keeper, and first aid office. Remainder of space used for storage of panels for future huts.

Bldg #2 - Quarters:- Same degree of completion as #1. Being used as mess.

Bldg #3 - Quarters:- Same as above. Being used as bunk house for construction crew.

Bldg #4 - Quarters:- Same as above. Being used as storehouse for non-technical and some small technical stores.

Bldg #5 - Ablutions:- Floor laid and walls almost complete. Progress impeded by lack of special wall staves. These have been ordered.

Bldg #6- Recreation:- Exterior of building complete and painted. Interior panelling being installed. Building being heated by two stoves to dry it sufficiently for occupation.

Bldg #7 - Mess and Kitchen:- Exterior of building complete and being painted. No interior panels installed. Used for storage of contractor's equipment and panels for future huts.

Bldg #8 - Hospital:- Foundation piles in and floor stringers in place. Work delayed by lack of starting staves. These are on order.

Bldg #9 - Administration:- This building has not as yet been commenced.

Bldg #11 - Oil Storage:- Blasted completed for site and forms being erected to pour concrete tank-supports.

Bldg #12 - Garage:- Concrete sub-walls and foundation piles in place, and skelton of building erected. Delayed due to lack of shiplap for sides and roof. This is on order.

Septic tank has been poured and is setting, but as yet insufficient sewer pipe has arrived to complete installation. Nor has wood stave piping arrived for water supply.

Dock is complete except for several ladders, and lower wharf, usable at low tide, finished.

Road progressing about 500 feet per day. About half a mile now usable by trucks.

Blasting in progress at operating site, but no building started as yet.

Large technical equipment still located on landward end of wharf under tarpaulins, pending completion of garage, the only building with a floor sufficiently strong enough to hold it. Alternatively it may be moved direct to site if road is complete before garage.

2 Nov 42

Boat arrived from RCAF Station, Bella Bella, bringing:- (a) Sundry stores, and copy of inventory for checking against our equipment on hand. (b) Wireless transmitter, receiver, and operator, and installation crew. Operator to be posted here on TD for two weeks to maintain communication with Bella Bella. After setting up equipment, installation crew returned to Bella Bella.

3 Nov 42

Bldg. #6 - Recreation Centre, has now all interior panelling complete, and is sufficiently dry for occupation. Interior panelling of Bldg. #4 - Quarters, now being installed. After Bldg #6 had been inspected for dryness and cleanliness, men were instructed to move their equipment in. This places all men in same hut, which will add to efficiency of guard system. As Bldg. #6 is large, this will also allow for future posting.

4 Nov 42

Boat arrived from RCAF Station Bella Bella, bringing Padre and Accounts Officer. Much needed mattresses also arrived. Commanding Officer and Corporal of guard accompanied above officers on return to Bella Bella, leaving A/Cpl Fraser in charge of detachment.

5 Nov 42

Progress on road being held up due to lack of spikes. These will arrive on next shipment from Vancouver.

6 Nov 42

Panelling on Bldg. #4 completed. Painting commenced on ceiling of Bldg. #6.

7 Nov 42

Commanding Officer and Corporal of guard returned from Bella Bella. Three radio mechanics have been posted here as part of installation crew for technical equipment. They also arrived from Bella Bella. AC2 Mousseau sent to Bella Bella on advice of MO there.

8 Nov 42

On visit to operating site, it was noticed that a possible siting fault had been incorporated into plans. Sent plan and letter to Command Radio branch requesting their opinion on same. This may delay work at site until their answer is received.

9 Nov 42

Commenced organization of Central Registry. Lack of any clerks makes this difficult. Interior panelling commenced on Bldg. #1, and installation of partitions on Bldg. #6. Supply of spikes for road arrived, so progress is continuing.

10 Nov 42

Timber arrived for garage, and work on that continuing. Carpenters taken off work on Bldg. #1 to expediate completion of garage so that equipment could be moved in.

11 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 4, 6, 12 and on road.

12 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 4, 6, 12 and on road. AC2 Mousseau returned from Bella Bella via Namu. MO pronounces him fit for duty.

13 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 4, 6, 12 and on road. Blasting in progress at operational site.

14 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 4, 6, 12 and on road.

15 Nov 42

LAC Flottorp left for Bella Bella to see MO. Has trouble in nasal passages. Air Force Act read and explained to men. Sunday:- working only on garage.

16 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 4, 6, 12 and on road. Practically all necessary blasting has been done on sites of operations building and power house, but more is needed on road and gantry.

17 Nov 42

LAC Flottorp arrived from Bella Bella. Under medical observation for two weeks. LAC Barnabe left to see dental officer at Bella Bella. Ne RT, Tx and Rx received from Bella Bella and old returned. Trunk of equipment received, but locked, and no key available.

18 Nov 42

Work progressing on Bldgs #1, 2, 4, 9, 12 and on road. Inaugurated target practice for guards. Stranraer (probably from Bella Bella) alighted on channel off dock, but made no attempt to communicate with us. However, this shows landing to be possible.

19 Nov 42

Key for equipment trunk arrived by mail. Set up and organized station canteen. Floor of garage filled preparatory to pouring concrete. Some surveying done for location of pole line around town-site. Work progressing on Bldgs. #1, 7, 9, 12 and on road.

20 Nov 42

Post holes dug for power poles around town-site. Concrete floor poured in garage. Work in progress in Bldgs. #1, 7, 9, 12 and on road.

21 Nov 42

Work in progress on Bldgs. #1, 7, 12, on road and on power line. Construction crew already starting to leave for Christmas.

22 Nov 42

Sunday:- Work only in progress on garage.

23 Nov 42

Work in progress on Bldgs. #1, 2, 7, 12 and on road and pole line.

24 Nov 42

Boat arrived from Bella Bella bringing replacement for WT operator, and permanent Rx and Tx for station. These will not be operative until power is available and WT hut built. Three new Sten guns also arrived. Work in progress on Bldgs #2, 7, 12 and on road and pole line.

25 Nov 42

Shipment of electrical supplies for operations site arrived via Namu. Sewer pipe also arrived and its installation started. Visiting Radio and Security Guard Officers arrived from WAC via Bella Bella and started investigation of proposed change in location of gantry. Work in progress on Bldgs. #2, 3, 7, 12 and on road, pole line and sewers.

26 Nov 42

Visiting officers continued investigation at operating site. Decision arrived re gantry and guard-house locations. Officers left for Victoria by plane 1100 hours. Work in progress on Bldgs.#3, 7, 12 and on pole line and sewers. Carpentry work for bldgs. on operations site started, so these bldgs. may be expedited when started.

27 Nov 42

Technical equipment moved from wharf to garage. Guard post changed from wharf to garage, with visits to wharf intermittently during shift. Equipment protected from weather by tarpaulins across garage doors. Work in progress on Bldgs. 3, 6, 7, and 12 and on sewers and pole line.

28 Nov 42

Stove installed in garage to help dry equipment. One Deisel set in readiness to supply temporary power when pole line ready. Sufficient poles have been obtained to serve town-site, and these are being stripped in preparation for adding cross-arms. Work in progress on Bldgs. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12 and on road and pole line.

29 Nov 42

Held second target practice for guards. Considerable improvement noticed over first practice. LAC Silliker proceeded on leave. Work in progress on Bldgs. 2, 3, 4, 7, 12 and on poles for power line.

30 Nov 42

Boat from Namu arrived with necessary staves for Bldgs. 8 and 9. Work on latter commenced immediately. Major hold-up at present in non-arrival of scow with construction equipment and road plank from Vancouver, now almost a week overdue. Work in progress on Bldgs. 2, 6, 7, 9, carpentry work on bldgs. for operations site, on road, sewers and power poles.

1 Dec 42

Nominal Station Roll:-

1 officer - Radio Branch; 12 Airmen Guards; 1 Airman - WOG on TD from Bella Bella; 3 Airmen - Radio Mechs., on TD from Victoria.

Progress of Construction Work:-

Bldg. #1:- Complete externally except for chimneys. Inside needs final flooring, half painting, and installation of stove, and plumbing.

Bldg. #2:- Complete externally exept for chimneys. Internally all panels in place, but no partitions.

Bldg. #3:- Partly panelled inside.

Bldg. #4:- All panels and partitions installed, and partly painted. No floor, stove and plumbing.

Bldg. #5:- No change since last month.

Bldg. #6:- Complete except for chimney, stove, flooring and plumbing.

Bldg. #7:- As above, except painting is not complete.

Bldg. #8:- No change since last month.

Bldg. #9:- Half of frame work completed.

Bldg. #10:- No change since last month.

Bldg. #11:-Forms complete, but concrete for tank supports not yet poured.

Bldg. #12:- Complete except for doors and painting. It is being used to house heavy techical equipment, with tarpaulins over door openings and a stove installed.

Sewage system is being installed where possible. Lack of plumber prevents internal connections. Wood stave water pipe has arrived, but has not been installed yet. Dock is complete except for one ladder, oil-pipe installation and bull rail. Part of latter has been installed. Road within half a mile of operations site. Has been delayed due to lack of plank, which has now arrived. Little change at operations site due to discussion with Command on correct site for gantry. Poles being cut, trimmed, cross-armed and erected. About half a dozen are already up.

2 Dec 42

Boat arrived from Bella Bella with Accounts Officer and Equipment Officer, and two NCO's of installation crew. Pay parade held and canteen accounts checked. Received shipment of canteen supplies, laundry, WT stores, and kitchen equipment. Working only on Bldgs. #7 and 9, and on road and power line. Some wire strung in town site.

3 Dec 42

Work in progress on Bldgs. #7 and 9, and on road and power line.

4 Dec 42

Work in progress on Bldgs. #7, 9, and on road, power line and Diesel generator in garage.

5 Dec 42

Final work done on temporary Diesel installation, connections completed to huts, #1, 4 and 6, and lights turned on. Work in progress on Bldgs. #7, 9 and on pole line and road.

6 Dec 42

Connections completed to huts #2, 3 and 7 for lighting. Temporary wires run to SAE's work tent. Work in progress on Bldgs. #7, 9, and on pole line and road.

7 Dec 42

Electrical installation completed to warehouse. Additional fixtures installed in various huts. Visiting engineer from Marwell Construction Co. arrived to discuss expediating further material, as contract is going over financial allotment. Work in progress on Bldgs. #7, 8, 9 and on pole line and road.

8 Dec 42

Temporary line run to Administration Bldg. for use of workmen. Visiting officer arrived from Command Works and Buildings Dept. to discuss additional appropriation to complete work. Work in progress on bldgs. 37, 8, 9, and on pole line and road.

9 Dec 42

Marwell Co. engineer left for Vancouver, and WB officer left for Port Hardy and Victoria. Plan of AAE on this detachment for installation of fresh water system has been approved and will now be installed. Work in progress on Bldgs. # 7, 8, 9 and on pole line and road.

10 Dec 42

Work in progress on Bldgs. #7, 8, and 9 and on pole line and road. Weather dull but no rain, clearing toward night.

11 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #7, 8, 9 and on pole line and road. Weather:- Rain during morning clearing with high winds in afternoon, wind dropping toward evening.

12 Dec 42

Camp 2 (at operational site) closed down due to proximity of road and loss of men leaving for Vancouver for Christmas. Remainder of men will commute from town-site. Work in progress Bldgs. #7, 8, 9 and on pole line and road. Weather:- Warm and dull with intermittent showers.

13 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #7, 8, 9 and on pole line, road, and site for water tower. Weather:- warm and dull in morning, rain commencing 1130 hours to continue all day.

14 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #8, 9 and on pole line, road and water-tower site. Some sewer pipe laid. Weather:- dull and becoming colder. Scattered showers at night.

15 Dec 42

Batter-boards being located preparatory to setting forms for concrete foundations of operations building and gantry. Work in progress Bldgs. #8 and 9 and on road. Almost entire constructions crew has now left for Christmas. This will delay work badly. Weather:- cloudy and dull. Occasional showers all day.

16 Dec 42

Batter boards located for power house. Work in progress Bldgs. #8 and 9 and on road. Weather:- clear and cool in morning, clouding over with occasional showers afternoon and evening.

17 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #8 and 9 and on road, but practically at a standstill due to defection of construction crew over Christmas. Weather:- Intermittent cloudy and bright. Cooler but little rain.

18 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #8 and 9 and on road. Weather:- scattered showers, not quite so cool.

19 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldgs. #8 and 9 and on road. Boat arrived from Bella Bella with remainder of shipment of beds. Also aboard were Adjutant, MO, Padre and Marine Officer from Bella Bella, and 3 RDF Operators posted here. Weather:- continuous rain, with high wids commencing at night.

20 Dec 42

SEA, timekeeper and superintendent left for Vancouver. Construction crew practically all have now left for Christmas. Very little work being done. Sergeant of Sec. Gd. arrived on posting. Work in progress only on Bldgs. #8. Weather:- electrical storm in morning, clearing to slight drizzle.

21 Dec 42

Some carpentry work in progress Bldgs. #3 and 9. Weather:- scattered showers all day. Temperature falling.

22 Dec 42

Carpentry work in progress Bldg. #3. Weather:- intermittent cloudy and bright. Some rain, sleet and hail. Temperature low but rising.

23 Dec 42

Work in progress Bldg #3 only. Weather:- cloudy with considerable rain, some snow at night.

24 Dec 42

Work only on Bldg. #3. Weather:- intermittent snow flurries all day.

25 Dec 42

No work done today. Weather:- clear and cold, slight thaw in afternoon and evening.

26 Dec 42

Work only on Bldg. #3. Weather:- milder and thawing. Some rain in afternoon.

27 Dec 42

No work today. Weather:- intermittent showers. Milder.

28 Dec 42

Work on Bldgs. #3, 9 and on road. Weather:- intermittent rain, sleet and hail.

29 Dec 42

Work on Bldgs. #3 and 9, and on sewer line and road. Weather:- some rain, turning to snow in afternoon.

30 Dec 42

Work on Bldgs. #8 and 9. Scowload of road plank arrived and was partially unloaded. Should advance road work. Weather:- clear and cold.

31 Dec 42

Work in progress on Bldg. #8 and on unloading lumber scow. Weather:- clear and cold.

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Updated: September 1, 2003