Memorandum Regarding Ground Defences
for RDF Stations - July 42

National Archives of Canada


S34-1-6 (AMAS)
23rd July, 1942.



Ground Defence for RDF Stations

1. With reference to your memorandum dated 13th July, 1942, it is concurred that isolated RDF Stations will require well trained ground defence personnel and, according to D of S memorandum dated 29th June, para. 3, 15 OR Security Guards have been incorporated in the approved establishment for this type of station. Building construction has allowed accommodation for this number of Security Guards.

2. If the Security Guard is increased by an additional 27 airmen, further quarters will have to be constructed, for which provision has not been made. Owing to the isolated location of the majority of RDF Stations on the Pacific Coast and the Atlantic Coast, it is most dfficult to put in further materials for the construction of this additional accommodation and if the total number of personnel on each station is increased by another 27 men, an increase in food supply and storage will be required, which is also a difficult problem as some of the sites can only be approached by boat under favourable sea conditions, which do not frequently occur in certain periods of the winter.

3. It would therefore appear desirable to keep the personnel establishment as at present planned and ensure that:

  1. The Security Guard of 15 and remainder of the station personnel are adequately trained and armed against attack by raiding parties on the ground and low flying aircraft;

  2. Demolition charges are incorporated in the vital parts of the RDF equipment so that they can be quickly destroyed should the station personnel be overpowered by a raiding party.

4. If you concur, please take appropriate action on the training and arming of the personnel, including Security Guard, for RDF Stations and pass to D of S and DArm for action on location and supply of demolition charges for the RDF equipment.

(NR Anderson),
Air Vice Marshal

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