Cape Bauld, NF

[Cape Bauld]

Cape Bauld lighthouse is on Quirpon (pronounced karpoon) Island. It lies at the northernmost tip of the Great Northern Peninsula, off route 430, and marks the southern entrance to the Strait of Belle Isle. The light was built there by the Canadian Government in 1884. The original tower was of wood. It was replaced in 1908 with a stronger iron tower, which was again replaced, in 1962, with the present octagonal concrete tower. The old double dwelling, with its hip-roof and front veranda, dates back to 1922. Both the former keeper's dwellings are now used by the Lighthouse Inn.

Cape Bauld is on the northern point of Quirpon Island. It is a steep, rocky, barren point, polished by the Ice floes and bergs that drift down from the Artic on The Labrador current. It eventually rises to an elevation of 502 ft. (153 meters).

The tidal streams off Cape Bauld are strong and variable and forms eddies. The west-going flood tidal stream runs from 3-hours before and 3-hours after high water, and the east-going ebb stream runs from 3-hours before to 3-hours after low water. The tidal streams are much influenced by the wind. Cape Bauld lighthouse is a red and white octagonal, 35 foot tower. The fog horn signal is one blast every 20 seconds.

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Updated: April 8, 2003