Marville France

The Fireballs

CE "Chuck" Keating

Our station chief operations officer (COpsO), W/C Lyte Gervais, had supported our efforts to name the team and paint the aircraft - by looking the other way! At the mess dinner, the word was out that the coloured aircraft must go. Some of our friends at 4 Wing decided to honour the occasion with a presentation of a red hat. They painted some poor officers flat hat brilliant red and presented it to W/C Gervais, unbaked! This triphy resided in the Officers Mess at 3 Wing until it closed, a funny reminder of our one official performance in that colour. Its fate today is unknown.

Reprinted from "A Tradition of Excellence - Canada's Airshow Team Heritage" courtesy Dan Dempsey. - Web Site -

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Updated: April 20, 2003