Air Traffic Control

Historical Detail

Goose Bay ATC Facility


Probably the original and certainly the most unique Radar Terminal Control unit was that of Goose Bay, Labrador.

The ATC radar facility at Goose Bay was a joint operation comprising both USAF and RCAF ATC controllers. The RCAF provided the Terminal Controllers, Assistants and Surveillance Controllers while the USA provided Precision Radar Controllers. Maintenance of the equipment was a USAF responsibility for the radar and the radios except for three radio frequencies maintained by the RCAF Communication Technicians. The building, main commercial power and backup power facilities was an RCAF responsibility. This last was rather interesting, since the backup power, until at least 1969 had to be manually initiated. If the commercial power failed, the "B" assistant had to run down the hall, manually start the diesel and turn the power switch to "BACKUP". This was not the best method, but it was all we had. Goose Bay Oceanic Centre was in the same building so it was vital that the transition to backup power was done quickly. In the early 1970s, uninterruptible backup power was finally installed. The initial USAF radar equipment was a Bendix CPN 18 while the precision radar was that from an MPN 13. An old GCA MPN 11 trailer was located on the field for backup and to provide Precision Radar Approach service to runway 35. In 1976, the CPN 18 was finally replaced by an FPN-47 provided by the USAF. In 1976, the RCAF assumed full responsibility for the maintenance of the Radar and communication equipment and also accepted the responsibility to provide RCAF Precision Radar controllers. The FPN-47 equipment remained in place, on loan from the USAF, until 1987 when the Terminal Aids Replacement Program provided new Marconi radar.

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Updated: November 29, 2004