Air Traffic Control

Historical Detail

This was very definitely before the RAF. When Gander and Montreal were closed due to inclement weather the overseas airlines diverted to Goose. The ramp side of the bottom floor of the Hangar was the airline terminal for Goose at the time.

Bear in mind that the RCAF side ran parallel to Runway 17/35. This was definitely Hangar One, and the picture was taken from the ramp. I understand that the current control tower is located on what we called the "American side", parallel to runway 09/27.

The original control tower (see 1948 photo in the Goose Bay photo section) was on the right side of the hanger as seen from the ramp and was dismantled and replaced with the tower we are looking at. As a matter of fact, I was working, with F/L Helgeson, the first shift in the new tower. and we had a US Navy privateer undershoot on runway 17 during that shift. Sure made a mess of that aircraft.

Comments by Vic Gray

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Updated: February 25, 2005